Pregnancy Nutrition: What to Eat and What Not to Eat

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A proper diet during pregnancy should contain folic acid, DHA, calcium, and other nutrients.

Pregnancy Nutrition: What to Eat and What Not to Eat Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial at all times. What you consume, however, impacts more than just your personal health when you’re expecting. Making appropriate eating choices can also promote a healthy developing foetus. And there may be significant dangers associated with other foods and drinks.

There may be a lot to consider.

Have this. Steer clear of that.

Avoid diets. But make an effort to control your weight gain.

And all the while managing the many physical symptoms of pregnancy.

We grasp it. It’s not simple.

A good pregnant diet is still crucial, though. since it can sustain your nutrition and, once more, encourage the development of a healthy foetus. So, it’s critical to understand what constitutes a healthy diet during pregnancy.

According to nurse midwife Tamara Noy, MSN, CNM, “some nutrients are so essential during pregnancy that we recommend everyone take a daily prenatal vitamin to ensure you get some critical vitamins and minerals.” But prenatal care is insufficient on its own. Maintaining a nutritious diet throughout pregnancy is equally vital for maintaining your physical well-being and promoting optimal foetal growth.

We talked with Noy about what to eat and what to avoid when you’re pregnant.

Daily guidelines: Foods pregnant women should not eat

Noy outlines which nutrients are most crucial to a healthy pregnancy and how to make sure you’re receiving enough of them.


Recommended intake: 1,300 milligrams (mg) per day. 

Your body uses Calcium to strengthen teeth and bones. Additionally, calcium supports healthy blood clotting, appropriate neuron function, and healthy heartbeat. And a developing foetus also receives such advantages.

The best source of calcium is dairy products, but pregnant women who avoid dairy or don’t eat a lot of it can still obtain adequate calcium from their diet. It just comes down to selecting the appropriate foods, according to Noy.

Aim for eating or drinking four servings of dairy products or other foods rich in calcium, like:  

  • Pasteurized cheese. 
  • Milk (including non-dairy options, like almond milk). 
  • Dark, leafy greens.  
  • Fortified cereal. 
  • Fish Low in Mercury (Mercury levels are important when choosing fish during pregnancy. More on that in a bit.)
  • Fortified orange juice.  
  • Almonds.  
  • Sesame seeds. 

Folic Acid 

Recommended intake: 600 micrograms (mcg) per day or more.

The extra blood your body requires during pregnancy is made with folic acid.

The development of the fetus’s brain, spine, and spinal cord is aided by folic acid. According to the March of Dimes, a sufficient diet rich in folic acid can prevent 70% of neural tube abnormalities that occur during foetal development. This is significant since disorders like spina bifida and anencephaly are linked to neural tube abnormalities.

Prenatal vitamins contain a significant amount of folic acid, and the 400 mcg that are advised for the majority of healthy pregnancies should be included in yours. If you have a higher chance of neural tube abnormalities, your doctor or a genetic counsellor can suggest taking more folic acid. This includes those who take antiseizure medications while pregnant or who have a family history of spina bifida.

Additionally, folic acid is supplemented into some foods, like bread, cereal, pasta, rice, and flour that have been fortified. Furthermore, it occurs naturally in foods like:

  • Lentils.  
  • Beans. 
  • Green leafy vegetables (like spinach,
  • romaine lettuce, kale and broccoli). 
  • Citrus fruit. 
  • Nuts.  
  • Beans. 


Recommended intake: 27 mg per day. 

Red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body, including to the growing foetus, depend on iron for a healthy growth. In addition to preventing fatigue, weakness, irritability, and depression, iron will help you strengthen your resilience to stress and illness.

Good source of Iron during pregnancy include: 

  • Whole-grain products. 
  • Lean beef and pork. 
  • Dried fruit. 
  • Beans. 
  • Sardines. 
  • Green leafy vegetables. 

According to Noy, iron deficiency during pregnancy can cause some strange desires. You might have pica if you have a taste for non-food substances like paint chips, ice, laundry detergent, dirt, clay, or ashes. Don’t consume non-food products, and talk to your doctor right away about these urges.

Also Read: Skincare Tips: Amazing skin nutrients to help you maintain a healthy shine throughout the year

Vitamin D   

Recommended intake: 600 international units per day. 

Together with calcium, vitamin D promotes proper foetal development, especially for the development of teeth, bones, good skin, and eyesight.

Salmon and other fatty fish are good sources of vitamin D, as is milk that has been fortified with the vitamin. A molecule in your skin is also converted to vitamin D by sunshine exposure. (Always remember to wear sunscreen, though!)


Recommended intake: 200 mg per day, plus prenatal vitamins. 

Strong omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) promotes the growth of healthy brains, eyes, and neurological systems.

Your healthcare professional will advise taking a daily DHA supplement or a prenatal vitamin that contains DHA. Furthermore, it is advised that you consume 200 mg of DHA through diet each day. Among the foods that are good providers of DHA are:

  • Fatty fish low in mercury, like salmon, herring and sardines. 
  • Cooked shellfish. 
  • Omega-3 enriched eggs. 
  • Walnuts. 
  • Chia seeds. 


Recommended intake: Your pre-pregnancy weight divided by two, in grams. (For example, a person weighing 150 pounds before pregnancy should aim for 75 grams of protein per day.) 

One essential nutrient for growth and development is protein. It provides your body with energy and helps to restructure your blood, muscles, and brain.

Getting more protein throughout pregnancy will promote the healthy growth and development of the foetus.

Select a range of foods high in protein, such as:

  • Low-mercury, cooked seafood.  
  • Lean meat and poultry.  
  • Eggs.  
  • Beans.  
  • Peas.  
  • Soy products.  
  • Unsalted nuts and seeds.  

Foods to Avoid

Certain foods may be particularly dangerous to you and the foetus during pregnancy, even if you’re trying to up the amount of nutrients in your diet.

A handful that ought to be off the menu are explained by Noy.


Here, let’s be crystal clear. While pregnant, alcohol consumption is never safe. Not one. None.

The manner that adults process alcohol is different from that of foetuses. According to Noy, alcohol dangerously disrupts the development of the foetal brain and nervous system and remains in their systems for a longer period of time.

Foetal alcohol syndrome spectrum abnormalities, low birth weight, and premature delivery have all been related to alcohol consumption during pregnancy. These long-term disorders result in both physical and mental abnormalities in offspring whose mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy.

Listeria risks 

Hormonal changes during pregnancy might weaken your immune system and increase your chance of getting food poisoning or another foodborne infection. Furthermore, there is a greatly increased chance of food poisoning during pregnancy, even though no one wants to cope with the symptoms.

In fact, listeria, a foodborne illness that has been linked to an increased risk of preterm birth, miscarriage, and even foetal death, is 20 times more likely to be contracted during pregnancy.

“Foods containing raw eggs, uncooked proteins, processed meats, and unpasteurized dairy products are the most common causes of listeria in pregnancy,” notes Noy. Therefore, we advise against consuming those items while pregnant.

Thats includes:

  • Sushi.  
  • Rare or undercooked meats and poultry and beef. 
  • Undercooked and raw eggs.  
  • Caesar dressing. 
  • Mayonnaise.  
  • Cold deli meats, like turkey, ham, bologna or salami.  
  • Fermented or dried sausages. 
  • Cold hot dogs. 
  • Unpasteurized juice or cider — words like “natural” or “fresh-squeezed” are indications that they haven’t been pasteurized. 
  • Soft cheeses, like feta, queso blanco, queso fresco, brie, Camembert, blue-veined or panela (queso panela). Only eat cheeses that are labeled as “made with pasteurized milk.” 
  • Refrigerated pâté or meat spreads. Canned or shelf-stable pâté and meat spreads are safe to eat. But sure to refrigerate them after opening. 

Fish with high mercury content 

While fish is a great source of protein and healthy fats, there are several types that should be avoided or consumed with caution when pregnant. This is because polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), an environmental pollutant, and methyl mercury are present in higher concentrations in some fish.

Pregnant women who consume fish high in methyl mercury have been linked to developmental delays and brain impairment in the developing foetus.

Fish to avoid include:  

  • Any raw or seared fish, including sushi and sashimi. 
  • Undercooked finfish and shellfish, such as undercooked oysters, clams, mussels and scallops. 
  • Shark.  
  • Swordfish.  
  • King mackerel. 
  • Tilefish even when cooked as they have higher levels of mercury. 
  • Bluefish.  
  • Bass. 
  • Freshwater salmon. 
  • Pike. 
  • Trout. 
  • Walleye. 

Foods to be cautious about  

Not all foods are black-or-white, eat-it-or-avoid-it during pregnancy. There are some gray areas. Some foods that are OK but need to be considered in moderation. Noy breaks it down. 


It’s not as though drinking coffee won’t be enjoyable while pregnant. However, it is advisable to minimise your caffeine intake while you are expecting.

This is due to the possibility that excessive coffee intake will narrow the blood arteries that supply the developing foetus. It may result in reduced blood flow and impede the growth of the foetus.

During your pregnancy, Noy advises limiting your daily caffeine intake to no more than 200 mg. That’s roughly equivalent to two 6-ounce coffee cups or three 6-ounce tea cups. Also, stay away from energy drinks while expecting. They might not be safe to consume while pregnant because of the extra ingredients.

Excess Salt

You should consume a reasonable amount of salt in your diet. In actuality, salt is necessary to keep your blood’s electrolyte levels in check. However, an excessive amount of salt might make your body retain water and raise your blood pressure. That can cause illnesses like preeclampsia and be especially troublesome during pregnancy. Consume salty foods sparingly.

What to eat when pregnancy has you sick 

Pregnancy Symptoms vary. Some people may have difficulty with morning sickness, diarrhea or constipation. What you eat can help you feel better.  

Noy offers these suggestions to deal with some common pregnancy symptoms.

Food for Morning Sickness

Frequently eating small meals throughout the day can help prevent nausea symptoms associated with pregnancy. Increasing your protein intake and taking a magnesium supplement or meals high in magnesium can also be beneficial.

“Eating right away in the morning, even before getting out of bed, seems to help for some people,” Noy says. “Moreover, protein is crucial. Everything is changed by protein.

However, despite its name, morning sickness can manifest itself at any time of day or night. Have wholesome, easily digested snacks on hand to ease the symptoms of morning sickness.

Avoid fatty, fried foods, and try:  

  • Crackers. 
  • Cereal.  
  • Pretzels. 
  • Unsalted nuts and seeds. 


When pregnancy has you all bound up, increasing your fiber intake can help get things moving again. Try these high fiber foods :  

  • High-fiber cereal. 
  • Lentils. 
  • Split peas. 
  • Chickpeas. 
  • Raspberries. 
  • Blackberries. 
  • Pears. 
  • Whole-wheat pasta. 

Also, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water — at least 10 to 12 glasses per day. 


The first thing you should do when you have the runs is keep hydrated, so make sure you’re getting enough liquids. If water is insufficient, sports drinks with added electrolytes may be helpful.

Eat more foods high in gum fibre and pectin to aid in the absorption of extra water. Also, make your options simple. Good options consist of:



During pregnancy, heartburn can be a common problem. Particularly in the later stages, when your stomach is pushed aside by your uterus.

Noy suggests the following strategies to decrease the severity of heartburn during pregnancy:

  • Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. 
  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. 
  • Avoid spicy or rich foods, and caffeine.  
  • Drink fluids in between meals but not with your meal.  
  • Try not to lie down after eating a meal. 
  • Keep your head elevated when lying down. 

Speak with a healthcare professional, such as an OB/Gyn or certified nurse midwife, if you’re concerned about obtaining the right nutrients during your pregnancy. You merit a joyous and healthful pregnancy.

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